Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oil Portrait # 10 : Lady in green

(H) 60cm X (B) 50cm

Year 2009

Artist's Inspiration : This is a piece of painting that I am personally proud of, as it is one of the few works that seem to come off on its own and command its own presence and seem to have a life of its own, as most figure painters might aspire to, with everything sort of falling into place as my brush would dictate, and where it doesnt, the accidental results harmonize with my intentions. It truly feels like a creation, and not mere illustration, as I have successfully painted her as I "see and feel" her to be, rather than mimetic portrayal of physical appearance. In trying to paint her as a royalty, my admiration for her finds itself encapsulated in her sideway glance, as if reciprocating the viewer's gaze is disdainful to her taste and beneath her. I like it that the picture seems to imbue in her a matriarchal-like attitude, reassured  and comfortable in her own being, as signified by the relaxed manner with which her left hand rests loosely on the armchair, suggesting a life that asks only to be served. (Although, this is most certainly untrue, being a fiercely independent woman who would insist on doing anything on her own where possible, I had deliberately painted the hand in the manner to signify a parallel life that she is more deserving of, after all the hardship that she's been through. Yes, I am being a sentimental maudlin here..guffaws).
The fabric that she dons is painted loosely and forcefully, to enhance the vigor of her image, by infusing it with an elemental like form, not unlike the aura of optimism she wears in real.
The color scheme and transition also seemed to work on my senses alot better than my previous works and I hope this is a precursor of better paintings to come.
I am especially grateful for how chance has assisted me in painting the face so that it seems to have assumed a life of its own and comes closer to what I aspire to try and paint "the invisible rythm and impulses" of nature in Man. (See detail below)
Face Detail of Lady in Green

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